There are off course a dozen of international airports from where you can enter China, there are also a dozen of overland borders if you are an over lander with your own vehicles. You can drive/ride your motor vehicles across china via the following borders. 

Active China takes care of border crossings, logistics, permits, customs declaration, import & export for motorcycles and any motor vehicles at the following international borders. Some borders open all year around, some close in the winter. Most borders close on weekends and public holidays. You may enter and exit at the same border, or exit at a different border. 

1. Vietnam at Hekou/Laocai 

2. Laos at Mohan/Boten 

3. Myanmar at Ruili/Muse 

4. Nepal at Zhangmu/Kodari 

5. Kirgizstan at Irkestam 

6. Kirgizstan at Torugart

7. Kazakhstan at Horgos 

8. Mongolia at Erenhot

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