Responsible Tourism

Responsible Traveling, Responsible Giving.

Ever since we founded ActiveChina, We have been aware of the importance to respect local culture and protect environment. We also noticed that economic growth and massif tourism in China have brought enormous impact on minority culture and environment. During the years of operating adventure travel in China, our team keeps learning and practicing responsible tourism. 
We understand the fragility of the China's wilderness environments and the vanishing minority cultures. We therefore strive to minimize the environmental and culture impact by keeping our groups small and operating according to a "Responsible Code", which is applied to all groups, tour leaders, partners and staff.

Our practices:

Protect the Environment - its flora, fauna and landscapes.
Respect local cultures - traditions, religions and built heritage.
Benefit local communities - both economically and socially.
Conserve natural resources - from office to destination.
Minimize pollution - through noise, waste disposal and congestion.

Smaller groups make fewer footprints...By using locally owned operators, hotels and local guides, local communities can really benefit from your visit. Support education projects in poor countryside to help students to complete their school. We work with Yunnan America Fund to support Schools and students in Yunnan. We will continue to search for new projects that can help poor areas. 

We make sure that our local staff are well treated and well paid, we respect indigenous cultures, take care to protect the environment of the places we visit and take every opportunity to make a positive contribution wherever we travel.

Tips for travelers to participate in responsible tourism: 

Before you go: 
Learn a few words of the local language is a great way to break barriers: greet shopkeepers, waiters, drivers, clerks, etc. It is equally important to say your thank yous and goodbyes. 

It is important to familiarize yourself with the local people's dress codes and thought patterns, and recognize them. Remember - you are the visitor, and by showing respect you will be respected and appreciated yourself! 

Keep your packaging down to a minimum and avoid disposable goods. Waste disposal facilities can be limited and recycling non-existent in many parts of the world. Eco-friendly soap gets our thumbs-up. 

Gifts & Presents:
You may make special friendships and experience generous hospitality when abroad. You may want to bring some gifts from your country but please bear in mind: 
Most items are available at cheaper prices in China than in your home country. In addition, many of the products purchased in your home country were made in China.! Save carbon, save money, and invest in China's local economy by purchasing those items here. 

Photo taking:
Always ask permission before taking photographs of people and monasteries. 

Continuing support:
You may have come across charitable projects or organizations or been affected by humanitarian or conservation concerns on your holiday. Yunnan America Fund will be able to advise where you can direct your support to "put something back" into the destinations visited. 

If you have particular comments - positive or negative - about responsible tourism issues on your tour, let us know! We are continually striving to improve performance and your comments are vital in helping us ensure we act on the issues and operate in a responsible fashion.

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism

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